As a horse-mad child growing up in the countryside, I always loved riding and drawing horses. At school I excelled at Art, but after I left and got involved in other things, it got abandoned, and I barely picked up a paintbrush until my later adult years.
Having had horses all through my life, they were my obvious subject choice. I love capturing their beauty and character in a painting, and have produced commissions for many happy clients over the past few years. I then started painting dogs as well, due to demand, and the sheer diversity of breeds makes them an interesting and challenging subject to work with.

More recently I have taken to landscape painting, which is my new-found passion. Living in beautifully rural Herefordshire, I am constantly surrounded by glorious countryside and stunning views, which are a constant source of inspiration. I’m particularly drawn to the light and how it plays on the landscape and affects the way we see it in terms of colour and form. Trying to capture that special quality on the canvas is my aim.
I work mainly in acrylic, but also sometimes use water soluble oils or soft pastels, depending on what best suits the subject.
I hope you enjoy browsing through my work. Some pieces are marked for sale, please contact me if you are interested in making a purchase or commissioning a painting.